Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Finally!!! She woke up and stumbled out of her bed. She had slept late last night after a party that she had been dragged to by her friends. She was wary of people in her life and everything seemed to disgust her. Lately she had been feeling as if she was living somebody else's life. Every time, she looked into the mirror, she felt as if she was looking at a stranger. There was no feeling at all. She scolded herself for being lazy and forced herself to take a bath and look presentable. After all her job required her to deal with people. 

" Can't afford to look weary in front of people." She muttered to herself.

After applying make up she practiced smiling in front of the mirror. 

"Well, that should do."she said to herself

She started her car and drove slowly. The sun rays fell on her face. Her hair shone like gold, making her look angelic and peaceful. Her body was tensed as if she was bearing some kind of heavy burden, but her face was a picture of complete calmness. Many a times, people had told her that she looked so calm that it was almost absurd. Even she knew a storm was building inside her and any day she would burst with emotions. That is what she was so scared of. The storm, if it came, would ruin her and wash away everything that she had worked hard for.

The wind played with her hair and the sunlight kissed her rosy cheeks. The persistent pain started to leave her body. She concentrated on the dark green hills before her and then she started to forget the pain. She forgot her 'to do' list. She felt alive. Suddenly, she felt happy as if the entire universe was making her feel that, life is a gift. She let the wind and the sunlight heal her. As she looked at the clear blue sky, which seemed to her like a never ending ocean and the ivory clouds, that reminded her of soapy waves, she felt as if she was being reduced to nothingness.

The space seemed to be healing her soul, awakening positive thoughts in her mind. Her long fingers started to tap at the wheel and she began to hum a lively tune. She realized that if she allowed herself to feel happy and clear the clouds of sorrow, nothing would make her sad. She started to sing..........

"I am happy in the morning,
I am happy in the evening,
I am happy all day long.
Its a brand new day
Its a brand new..... day...
I am gonna sing a song of
I am gonna a sing a song of
I am gonna sing a song of 
happy............ ness........"

We always allow things to effect us. Look for problems where there are no problems. We either minimize the good that we have or maximize our sorrows. then we complain why don't we find happiness. form where, are we supposed to find happiness. God created man in his own image and gave us similar powers. We can bend a spoon with the power of mind, write scriptures with the power of mind and yet we feel helpless in slightly challenging situations. We expect somebody else to make us happy, when we are gods, when we are the masters of our destiny. 

She had lost touch with her soul. That morning, she let the Mother Nature cure her of her suffering. She let the entire universe unite to help her sing a happy song. There was a deep nagging feeling still reminding her that her happiness would last. She would again feel burdened and heavy. But, she didn't care anymore. She knew, she wouldn't go to her friends. She wouldn't drink till she passed out. She wouldn't go to her boy friend with her sob story. She wouldn't expect people to heal her. All that she would do is, give her self up, not act strong and lie in the lap of Mother Nature like a child. She would return to innocence and let the Mother Nature sing her lullaby. 

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